People near the São Luiz bridge taking pictures with the cell phones.
My Street Photography to be seen in 50 years time
A boat on the Douro river and someone waving on the pier.
Infante Dom Henrique Square
People relaxing on the grass of the Infante Dom Henrique square.
Douro River II
People taking pictures at the Douro river border.
Douro River
A group of people at river Douro on a late summer afternoon.
View From A Restaurant
A view from Vila Nova de Gaia to Porto.
Olive Trees Garden III
People on the garden chilling on a sunny summer afternoon.
Tile Panel
A tile panel at São Bento train station.
Sitting in Aduela terrace shooting people passing by.
People posing on the way for a Porto picture.
The Hug
Two kids dancing at Ribeira and the girl hugs the boy.
Olive Trees Garden II
Tourists resting at olive trees garden on a sunny August afternoon.
Olive Trees Garden
People relaxing at Olive trees garden near the Clérigos tower.
The Kids of Ribeira jumping into the Douro river from the Dom Luiz bridge.
Watching The River
A woman looking at the Douro river with Gaia in the background.
Flores Street
Three probably sisters resting on a close space at Flores street.
One Takes Another See
One taking a picture another seeing the picture and me also taking one.
Douro Kids
After a swim in rio Douro the kids from Ribeira dry and talk in the stairs.
Terrace With A View
A terrace in Ribeira with a a view to Gaia.
Selfie Time
At a terrace in Ribeira two girls taking a selfie.