Near a beach in Porto a place selling pancakes.
My Street Photography to be seen in 50 years time
Lighthouse II
The Lighthouse with people finishing and waves coming through.
A couple of tourists taking a picture of a lighthouse.
Barcelos III
People visiting the ruins of the Palace of the Counts of Barcelos.
Barcelos II
People visiting the ruins of the Palace of the Counts of Barcelos.
People visiting the ruins of the Palace of the Counts of Barcelos.
Santa Maria Maior Church II
People walking in front of Santa Maria Maior Church.
Santa Maria Maior Church
A qwoman and a kid in front of SantaMaria Maior´s church.
View Over the Bridge
The view over the bridge to Barcelinhos.
Inside the Castle V
People going out of the Castle of Vila Nova de Cerveira.
Inside the Castle IV
Inside the Castle of VilaNova de Cerveira with a few people in the background.
Inside the Castle III
Almos a desert street inside the Castle just a couple walking.
Inside the Castle II
The buildings inside the Castle with some people walking by.
Inside the Castle
People going in and out of the Castle of Vila Nova de Cerveira.
Flowers in the City
Viana do Castelo is the only city i know that flower are changed every week.
A view of Republica square from the terrace.
Man Walking
A man walking away from República square pass the shadows and into the light.
At Republica square Giorgio de Chirico inspired.
View from Above
People near the Douro river view from above.
View to the bridge
Some tourists looking at bridge Dom Luis.