A view of Parque das Nações with people going towards the river.
My Street Photography to be seen in 50 years time
São Vicente II
A group of tourist trying to take a selfie with São Vicente church in the background.
São Vicente
A view of the São Vicente church in the background seen from Portas do Sol.
Carlos Alberto
A view at the street of Carlos Alberto Theater.
People sitting around the fountain at Praça da República.
Headless Street Artist
A headless artist performing on a Porto street.
Doll Heads
A woman selling in a street market with a collection of doll heads.
São Domingos
People in front of São Domingos church during th Senhora da Agonia pilgrimage.
Douro River
Two couple sitting on a pier enjoying the Douro river.
Medieval Door
The door of the medieval tower in the center of Barcelos.
Photos and Hugging
At the Ribeira of Porto some people taking photos and hugging.
Oldest Part Of Town III
A couple on the oldest part of town.
Oldest Part Of Town II
Some arch leading to a door in the oldest part of town.
Oldest Part of Town
In the oldest part of town some arches and a woman.
Near the Pilar
People hanging near the pilar of the Dom Luis bridge.
Under the Pilar
A view from above the pilar of Dom Luis bridge people enjoying the river.
Dom Luis Bridge
A view of the Douro river with Dom Luis Bridge in the background.
Gaia Pier V
People on the Gaia pier with Porto in the background,
Street Artist
A street artis i previously photograph in Lisbon i found her near the Majestic café.
Santo Ildefonso II
People coming out of Santo Ildefonso church.